Wearing a respiratory mask is necessary to defend against viruses or bacteria that are likely to be transmitted through the air or by salivary emission (flu, cough, etc.). Since the appearance of covid-19, all over the world, it has been declared that wearing a protective mask is an obligation in order to protect yourself and others. Several models of masks are available on the market ranging from those that are homemade, to those manufactured in the factory and intended for very complex uses. In the context of the current pandemic, why then opt for an FFP2 mask box?
Diffrent types of FFP masks
Brièvement, le mot FFP est un anglicisme qui veut dire « Filtering Face Piece » ou tout simplement en français, « Pièce Faciale Filtrante ». Ce genre de masque procure une protection respiratoire optimale par l’intermédiaire de valve ou soupape de protection. En d'autres termes, ce genre de masque a pour fonction de filtrer les aérosols. Il existe 3 types de masques FFP, à savoir le FFP1 qui filtre à peu près 80% des virus, le masque FFP2 qui filtre à 94% et enfin, le FFP3 qui filtre dans les 99% des aérosols. Les émissions vers l’extérieur quant à elles varient entre 22%, 8% et 2%.
Cette statistique indique donc qu’une personne portant un masque FFP est moins exposée aux virus, lorsqu'elle respire. Mais quelle est donc le principe de fonctionnement de ces fameuses masques et quelle est l’utilité de porter un masque ffp2 avec valve ?
Mode and principal operation of FFP2 maks
Briefly, the word FFP is an Anglicism which means “Filtering Face Piece” or quite simply in French, “Piece Faciale Filtrante”. This type of mask provides optimal respiratory protection through a valve or protection valve. In other words, this kind of mask has the function of filtering aerosols. There are 3 types of FFP masks, namely FFP1 which filters approximately 80% of viruses, FFP2 mask which filters 94% and finally, FFP3 which filters in 99% of aerosols. Emissions to the outside vary between 22%, 8% and 2%.
This statistic therefore indicates that a person wearing an FFP mask is less exposed to viruses when they breathe. But what is the principle of operation of these famous masks and what is the use of wearing an ffp2 mask with valve?
To efficiently protect yourself
Recent studies have confirmed that a healthy person wearing an ffp2 mask with a valve is considerably better protected than anyone with other types of masks. But it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions for use in order to have maximum protection. Among other things, it is necessary to respect the duration of the port which is 4 to 8 hours and to change the mask afterwards. To wear it well, they must also be adapted under the wings of the nose to have an optimal seal. And in the end, after use, it is important not to reuse it but to throw it directly or to burn it.
Various websites offer different types of masks to protect against the current virus. FFP2 masks are the most recommended. The manufacturing materials vary depending on the manufacturer but all must comply with the EN149-2001 standard. FFP2 masks are generally recognizable by their white or blue elastic bands